DrillmaxPro® HP Float Valve

DrillmaxPro® HP float valves are designed to handle the higher pressures (up to 10,000 psi) associated with running drill pipe further and deeper. The unique design features a more robust cage and internal parts, to effectively handle high-pressure environments.
Drillmax provides several float valves with various design specifications to meet the demands of today’s industry. We ship our product across the US, from our home state of Houston, Tx.

Model 10K F

Allows constant fluid flow while drilling, yet provides a positive instantaneous shut-off if the flow is stopped or reversed. The closed valve prevents back flow when drilling stops or when breaking connections, and keeps cuttings from clogging the bit. The float valve also acts to assist Blow Out Prevention (BOP) equipment to maintain control over pressure in the well.
Model F Plunger 10KSI
Model 10K G

Full Flow Flapper Type Valve
Designed for abrasive drilling fluids. The more robust flapper closes rapidly to prevent cuttings from entering the drill string when flow stops and acts to assist Blow Out Prevention (BOP) equipment in maintaining control over pressure in the line. Model G features an investment cast flapper that is quick opening, for full flow through the valve. It fully opens when joints are raised from the hole, preventing drilling mud from being released onto the rig floor.
Model G flapper 10KSI
Model 10K GC

Full Flow Flapper Type Automatic Fill
The Model GC is identical to the Model G but adds an automatic fill feature when going in the hole. A control arm holds the flapper slightly open during run in, allowing the valve to fill from the bottom. This removes the requirement for filling the drill pipe from the top, saving time. Similar to the Model G, the valve fully opens when the drill string is raised, preventing environmental and safety risks associated with having mud on the rig floor. The valve operates as a Model G as soon as the mud is pumped down the drill string. The Model GC helps prevent pressure surges that could cause formation damage during run in.
Model GC flapper 10KSI
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